An Eclectic Collage is a collection of poems that studies not only the vicissitudes of the natural world but that of humanity, as well. His most challenging subjects are men and women and the interactions between the two, although there is something equally mesmerizing about the changing foliage of fall from green to oranges and reds.
It has become impossible to resolve the many serious problems we face in America. My token efforts in this book details the issues as I see them.  Whether you agree with me or not, at least give me the credit for devoting the last twenty years of my life trying to make sense out of it all and proposing solutions. I did not do it for financial gain but as an American who reveres our heritage and hopes we can find a way to pull together and once again be that shining city on the hill.

Know yourself ? the real you within your layers of thinking.
The unknown potential which exists in each of us lies in our Unconscious-mind. As a medical doctor and plastic surgeon. I had observed the way a patient?s health and well-being was influenced by the thoughts they held in their mind, especially their Subconscious and the deeper levels of that. Appreciation of Surgical results can be closely affected by the Self Image Body healing is run from the Unconscious mind. But how we feel about results is influences from the Subconscious.

Later when I retired from surgery and retrained as an artist I was given skilled help for a couple of years to explore in deeper levels of Consciousness. I had the intuitive desire to know who I really was ? beyond the family identity I was born with. I had found in childhood the ways knowing could just arrive, and sought the source when given the opportunity.

The Subconscious is a working part of our everyday life and we use it all the time without knowing.

We are more influenced from the Unconscious mind than we may realise. We each Have these 4 basic levels in our system which we explore through the book.

Our real identity and meaning is to be found in these deeper levels of Consciousness hidden away from the world. If you want to know more of your own meaning, then look within your Self. For it is all there, stored in the Unconscious levels of your mind."
James Polson was once a skeptic who believed that God, heaven, and hell did not likely exist outside of his imagination. He was satisfied with his views until he was involved in a car accident that forced the realization that death can occur at any time. Was he wrong about heaven and hell? If they really existed, where would he be? While these complex questions remained in the back of his mind, Polson embarked on a quest to discover any truth about the existence of God, heaven, and hell.<br>
In a recounting of his spiritual journey as a skeptic turned believer, Polson intertwines his personal experiences with his questions and revelations as he explored whether God, heaven, and hell truly existed, and also whether there is anything one can do to change their eternal destiny. While disseminating these truths and their implications, Polson leads other spiritual seekers down a scriptural path to discover inspiring truths for themselves. Included are fundamentals of Christian life as well as other insights that guide believers to take advantage of the blessings that only God can provide.<br>
Discovering the Reality of God is an uplifting narrative that reveals a skeptic?s spiritual journey to learn the truth about God, heaven, and hell.
"What is wisdom and why do we need it? 

For thousands of years, we?ve tried to answer those two questions. Yet even the most dedicated students often find the path to wisdom daunting.

The Seven Stone Path: An Everyday Journey to Wisdom explores seven archetypal ideas found throughout the world?s wisdom traditions, turning them into tools anyone can use to deepen and enrich their lives. 

The seven ideas are acceptance, surrender, engagement, allowance, enjoyment, love, and integration. The goal of this book is to broaden our understanding of these crucial ideas and root them deeply into our everyday lives. 
Moving toward wisdom is not an esoteric practice reserved only for specialists and insiders. Cultivating wisdom, like breathing, is an innate, natural process available to everyone. 
Discover how following the seven stone path will allow you to emerge from a cave of conditioned consciousness a little wiser, a little freer, and a lot happier."
Fabulous is an inspirational autobiography about the decade leading up to an amazing personal transformation. It explores the life gifts from The Universe during those ten years and how they molded the author. Themes of friends, animals and music are wov...
"""Embark on a transformative journey with 'Raising an Autistic Young Adult' by journalist and mom Esther Dillard. 

Are you prepared for your Black or Brown autistic teen's future? 

Do you worry about their emotional challenges, or if they'll be ready for encounters with the police? 

This book delves into these anxieties, offering practical solutions. Discover expert guidance and poignant narratives, exploring crucial topics such as emotional regulation, personal hygiene, and higher education considerations. 

Esther Dillard, a journalist and mom of an autistic teen is uniquely attuned to the struggles faced by Black and Brown families. In this book she amplifies parental voices recounting interviews about subjects that many parents navigate alone. Uncover empowering insights from parents who have walked this path, sharing invaluable safety talks and addressing fears related to law enforcement encounters. 

Raising an Autistic Young Adult: A Parents? Guide to ASD Safety, Communication, and Employment Opportunities to Empower Black and Brown Caregivers and Their Families is a narrative that will help you navigate the complexities of autism with wisdom, compassion, and resilience, illuminating a path toward a brighter, more inclusive future."
"How to Hold a Glue Stick and other Clues to Parenting
Life as a parent, especially a first time parent, is not so easy and Froukje Matthews has combined her Montessori teaching experience with the knowledge gained over the years as a parent. "
In 2003, Louis would have to orchestrate his greatest comeback ever. After a near fatal motorcycle accident, which projected his body into the air resulting in debilitating injuries, Louis was told by his doctors that he would never walk again.
If you had a dream that you wanted to come true, how far would you go to make it happen? Little Stone House on the Corner is an inspirational, fiction book about a magical house that can make people?s dreams come true through the power of belief and action. When a young couple, Ryan and Tara, move into this little stone house on the corner and follow the guidance this house offers, they embark on a life changing adventure of a lifetime.
His name is Santa Claus. Every Christmas, he is everywhere, and his name fills the mind with visions of sugar plums and presents under the tree.
But have you ever wondered what it was like to be him?
Hop in the sleigh and take a ride with John Johnson, a real-life Christian Santa who has been spreading good cheer over four decades.
In Simply Saint Nick, he shares his experiences, reveals historical and spiritual truths, and spreads a message of faith. As you join the author on his incredible journey, you will receive the most special of gifts.
God has a purpose or calling for each and every one of us, a way for us to bring praise and glory through service. The author found his purpose early on in life, and he has never regretted putting on Santa's red coat.
Discover how the author has had the time of his life bringing smiles to children of all ages, earning a spot in the International Santa Claus Hall of Fame and sharing God?s love as a beloved holiday icon.
"""Living These Days: 102 Insights in the Direction of Wholeness"" is a thoughtfully curated collection of guidance for anyone seeking to find harmony and wholeness in their daily lives. These insights, drawn from Burr's extensive work as a spiritual coach, cut through the noise of modern living, providing readers with practical, actionable steps towards personal growth and wellness.

Each insight is a lens through which to view your life, a beacon guiding you towards a more balanced, mindful existence. Richard Burr elegantly navigates themes of self-awareness, emotional intelligence, and spiritual wellness, providing a comprehensive roadmap towards personal fulfillment. This book isn't just about self-improvement?it's about self-discovery and embracing the richness of human experience.

Whether you're seeking a source of daily inspiration, or a pathway to transformative change, ""Living These Days"" is a must-read. Immerse yourself in the wisdom Richard Burr offers, and let his gentle, insightful guidance help you navigate your way towards a life lived more fully, more mindfully, and in a state of wholeness. Dive in, and start living these days to their fullest potential."
Frederick Bennett, from an Irish Catholic family in Bendigo, travelled to Melbourne to seek his fortune. There he met Vida Bunting, eighth child of Samuel and Elleanora, at the beginning of the First World War. Their friendship blossomed but life didn't treat them kindly.
This Book is about.... •Why bullying is no good •How forgiving others helps heal our heart •Giving a helping hand •Why helping others, is important •Why changing the way you think, can lead to friendship`s that last a life time
This Book is about... •Enjoying sharing and helping others •Showing that you care by sharing with others •Sharing a house with a blue mouse •Helping a red whale caught by its tail •Being the best that you can be •Making learning fun with your child
There is no available information at this time.
Once again, Rosie offers her wisdom with innocence and open curiosity in this third book in the series Rosie Knows.
Come dream along with Zach, a young adult with special needs. Every person struggles and has obstacles to overcome. Zach is no different.
Living and growing with grief is not simple or easy, but this guide can help you on your journey.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), ageism leads to poorer health among young and old; social isolation, earlier deaths and cost economies billions. To combat ageism, WHO recommends educational activities that enhance empathy and dispel misconceptions, and intergenerational activities to reduce prejudice.
The readers should be motivated by the passionate approach even the author was born with severe diarrhoea illness. The reverse might give a mighty force to a person the power who deserved it - "Be like a butterfly, go where you can fulfil your life purpose." (with permission from Eric Chia 2019).


Add another self-published nonfiction in your library and keep yourself informed and entertained!

Discover Great E-Books, Find Great Savings

For only 99¢ each, fill your digital shelves with this month’s special E-Book deals on the following titles.


Inspire and educate growing minds. Give the next generation a self-published masterpiece from our vibrant Children's Book collection.

A girl saves a baby wolf from a cruel trap and she and the wolf form a deep attachment with the bond of friendship, proving loyalty, love and heroism against great odds, especially a dangerous wolf pack to be known far and wide as Triple Scar and the Six Pack.
This book tells the story of a rhinoceros and his friendship with an elephant following the rhino saving the elephant from a muddy death.
It highlights that physical disabilities should not deter one from attempting to achieve goals and to be accepted by others as you are.
This book introduces the author to you, the reader, and tells of the wonderful relationship between the author and an elephant and the search by the author to learn about the elephant?s history.
There are several stories in this book about this very big and very brave elephant,  some of his friends,  and people he helped at great danger to himself.
It is a story highlighting that being able to help others in times of crisis is thanks enough in itself for a job well done.
This is my favorite book and best to be read last.
In hand to hand combat a geologist finds himself saving the life of a polar bear from hunters, and later saving one of her cubs trapped in a crevasse.
His bravery was repaid some years later, when he finds himself injured and grave danger of freezing to death.
This book contains many interesting facts.
This story tells how a giant clam accidentally traps a deep-sea diver last century before the invention of scuba diving equipment. The diver is unable to escape from the vice-like grip of the clam while all the time his air supply is getting very low.   Will help arrive on time?
Enjoy the read and learn some new words and facts. Knowledge is free.
Udi and The Animals is a story of a lonely girl who loved animals and found comfort in them. One day she prayed and received a gift of understanding and speaking animal language.
Udi and The Animals is a story of a lonely girl who loved animals and found comfort in them. One day she prayed and received a gift of understanding and speaking animal language.


Explore uncharted kingdoms, solve ancient mysteries, or make your own adventure from one of our novels.

Prison Chronicles is a realistic look inside a world where the man with the most game controlled the field. Sex, drugs and violence was just the tip of the iceberg, beneath the surface was another world. A world controlled by greed. Prison Chronicles is a tale about Malcolm James journey into the prison society. The emotional battles he faced with family, to the internal struggles with his flesh. The choices he makes are not always the right ones but his desire to come out on top is what separated him from the others. He encountered all types of people in his quest for freedom. Some became friends, some became lovers, while others were just tools used to reach the top. Through it all, he kept his head up when the weight of the world would have crushed others. Was there light at the end of his tunnel or just another train wreck heading his way?
"I love Brooklyn.  And I don't think it's only because I was born and raised there.  Now, in middle-age, I appreciate it more than ever.  I wish I still lived there but ... that's a whole story of its own!

The idea of this novel appealed to me because it would allow me to write about a place I knew and loved well, and also about the wonderful people I have known who lived there.  

Brooklyn itself is a ""character"" in this book.  There is a place for everyone in Brooklyn, and everyone seems to make their way there eventually!"
"I am a retired pensioner. I worked with children in care for many years, up until I retired in  December 2022.
I have never written anything before.  After reading many stories and helping children write essays, I was inspired to write one myself."
"<p>In this award-winning novel, a successful but imperfect hero must confront failure and stop the deafening noise in his head long enough to hear the healing voices of the women who love him.</p>
<p>On a cold day on a bridge above the Mississippi River, Tristan James is drugged out, liquored up, and about to give in to the irreversible as he teeters over the water. Not long ago, it would have been inconceivable for him to be standing there. His life had always been full of successes: a brilliant wife, a loving daughter, and a satisfying career. His story was destined to be triumphant with a happily-ever-after ending.</p>
<p>Unfortunately, real tales rarely finish that way. First came the divorce, and then there were the series of disasters at work. Tristan had always relied on the sounds of his guitar to bring him solace when he faltered. But now, a constant and terrifying buzzing in his ears drowns out its joyful melodies, and he spirals to the edge. Jumping off the bridge would be a quiet relief. But Tristan has a bit of good fortune remaining at the bottom of his bucket of life&rsquo;s blessings&mdash;five extraordinary women surround him. Each is magnificent in her own way, and together they refuse to let Tristan&rsquo;s music die. Only one question remains: Can they reach him in time?</p>"
"On an abandoned beach on the Southern California Coast near midnight, Everett Durant reaches into the pockets of his jeans as he approaches the water?s edge. He unburdens himself of all personal belongings as he prepares to commit suicide by drowning but fails. During his unsuccessful drowning, Everett experiences the appurtenance of a Guardian Angel, of sorts. When he wakes, he sees only the impression of a sand angel remaining where he washed ashore.

He soon learns that a young girl either jumped or fell from the cliffs above and suffered and died not so long ago. This realization encourages the washed-up emo-songwriter to honor her memory in a constructive way, and that sets the saga in motion. Everett deeply connects with those living in society?s underbelly as he gives them a voice through a collection of post-beat poetry.

Soon, a quick fifteen minutes of fame lead him into the path of Beatrice Rutherford, otherwise known as ?the heiress.? With the prompting of the heiress, Everett moves deeper into the disorienting seas of cultural conformity, mass socialization, and geopolitical control, while championing the role of an inspired individualism. He could never have imagined that this incredible postmodern journey would begin with a dark night of the soul on an abandoned beach."
"<P>Vivronia was born a girl in the male-dominated Eastern/Arab society. Her mother rejected her at birth because she had black moles on her face and neck. Throughout her childhood and youth, her mother convinced her that love and marriage could never be possible for her. So what opportunities were there for a tall, fat, ugly female with the world in turmoil around her as she tried to survive the Lebanese Civil War? She had to create her own opportunities.</P>

<P>Aged twenty-three years, she met a man, gave him ?half a Lira?s worth,? married him, and obtained a visa to migrate to Australia as his wife. In line with the Eastern culture, sex was his privilege and her duty only. It was a matter of being ?out of the frying pan?and into the fire.?</P>

<P>In Sydney, five years later, with her two infant sons, she deserted her violent husband to become a single mother on welfare. The welfare system paid for the removal of her facial moles turning the ?ugly duckling? into a ?beautiful swan.?</P>

<P>Aged forty-five years, after a ?singles without partners? party, she was seduced by a tall handsome lover who taught her Western culture lovemaking, where women are allowed to enjoy sex. She became belatedly addicted to it.</P>

<P>During the ensuing five years, she climbed up the social ladder and married a prominent recent widower to secure her social and financial standing. But her past life of guilt and shame caught up with her.</P>

<P>The reader is left with the question, was she a conniving female gold digger using her sexuality to obtain more of what she was not entitled to, or was she the victim of her lifelong fractured environment, forced to survive on her own in a male-dominated society?</P>"
After Stevie finds a reason to breathe from the depths of his despair, he is caught in the war of the eclipse, where the lunar luster and the lambent moon entwine. They collide in the coldest tempest beneath the louring heights that graze the stars of P...
No information available at this time. Author will provide once available.
Go Play In Traffic (A Writer?s Life), is a tale of writing, loss, friendship and telepathy during the COVID Pandemic. Reba, a 74-year-old lesbian, finds herself in a state of limbo after a year of writer?s block, the beginning of retirement, and the break-up of a long-term relationship.  A surprise connection with Fred, an African grey parrot, is a call to life that sets in motion a path of the unexpected.   In this state of grief and magic, Reba creates stories exploring the fantastical in the everyday.



Rediscover your spirituality from our diverse and extensive Religion shelf.

This book, ?About The Holy Spirit, ? is a resource for anyone truly interested in whether the Baptism in the Holy Spirit is a valid, current Biblical, manifestation that should be experienced by all Christian believers today. It shows scripturally how one is given the gift of the Holy Spirit when born again, which Jesus described as being ?born of the Spirit? (John 3:7-8). The Holy Spirit is deeply involved in the salvation process, therefore, every believer has the potential for the operation of all the gifts of the Spirit immediately upon being saved, and should walk and live in the Spirit thereafter (Galatians 5:23). Speaking in tongues is one of the nine gifts of the Spirit that are given to every believer. ?Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good? (1 CO 12:7 NIV).
"<p>When Jesus called his first disciples, he asked them, ?What are you looking for?? Jesus knew that we are all searching for something: a relationship with God; a grace-filled way of living; and the answers to life?s most important questions such as ?Who am I?? Too often we seek those answers in the wrong places. We can search the world and come up empty only to find that what we were seeking was inside of us all along.</p>

In a part-spiritual autobiography and part-guided meditation, certified spiritual director Mark Ekstrom invites believers to join him on a journey of self-discovery and faith while offering insight into his spiritual ups and downs, doubts, wonderings, and the growth that has brought him to where he is today. Organized as a thirty-day pilgrimage with daily meditations, spiritual seekers are guided through reflection questions, scripture readings, spiritual disciplines, and prayer in order to experience God?s love and grace more fully, foster a deeper spirituality, and continue to build a strong personal relationship with God.</p>

<p>Experiencing Grace leads believers on an introspective thirty-day journey to encourage an awareness of God not as a theological concept, but as a transforming relationship."
"We all have a sense of who we are from a human perspective. Yet, many have a need for acceptance, approval, fulfillment, and a sense of accomplishment. Some of us know who we are spiritually, while others have a deep need to discover their identity in Jesus Christ.  My dear sister, if that?s you, you don?t have to seek or wonder any longer! 
Second Corinthians 6:18 says I will be a father to you, and you will be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty!  What does that mean? It means you are a child of God, a beautiful daughter of the King of Kings! The daily messages in this devotional book will not only provide insight into your identity in Jesus Christ but it will also provide encouragement of the wonderful blessings you have as a Daughter of the King!"
Do you want to reclaim your nation, your family, your church, and your life? Then this is what God is calling you to do! To help you understand that calling, author Terry Hartikka offers his life message from heaven to you.
The Time is here the time is now, we're in the last hours not days anymore. For what's a thousand years to my Lord or even a year but minutes in His Kingdom.
In a world where success is predominately measured by how much money we have in the bank, the size of our financial portfolio, and how prestigious our lives are, there have been great American Entrepreneurs who have chosen to take the path less traveled – to be truly compassionate and giving. They risked judgement, ridicule, and their fortunes; but in doing so they realized they could never out give God.
The Author considers it a privilege to be the writer of this unique Book of Poems of testimonies, teachings, prayers, and Prophecy of Divine Power, all being inspired by the Holy Spirit through her journey to the Cross and Salvation. Each page stands on its own, touching the heart of those who embrace the work of the Cross and the written Word, the Bible.
Many believers are distraught concerning what they witness going on in their local Black churches today."


Absorb vibrant cultures and perspectives from our collection of prose and rhymes.

"In the beginning, bereshith, the Genesis text begins,
God created heaven, earth, and many other things.

The world was dark, shapeless, with no life or light,
God said ?Let?s have light,? so made day and night.

Water, water everywhere, in heaven and down below,
God sorted into clouds and rain, sea, lakes and snow.

Earth was next on the agenda, of God?s creative plan,
He filled it with plants, trees, fish, animals, birds, man.

He made stars, sun and moon, seasons hot and cold,
?Be fruitful and multiply? all creatures were told.

Scholars claim that one third of the bible is poetry, more easily recognized in Hebrew than most English versions. 

In a poetic interpretation of the entire bible inspired by a conversation with God in 2010, Rob Bellingham shares a collection of rhyming couplets intended to be theologically sensitive regarding both gender and doctrine.

Bible in Verse is a volume of inspirational rhyming couplets that offers a creative, succinct, and memorable look at a very familiar text."
"This is Jerry Garland's second attempt at publication.  ?A Garland Sampler? (2000) had very limited circulation, due to an inability to promote it, but didn?t stop his writing poetry.  It is a compilation of Poetry and Prose assembled over a few years.  The poems are generally written as a response to News and Views of the day.  The Prose are a few  reminiscences of his life and activities.
This will do better.  Wait and see, he says."

	Be prepared to be amused by the odd ways of the characters here portrayed in the first section of the book devoted to Limericks.

	Be prepared to feel sympathy for their mishaps and trials.

	But especially be prepared  to be shocked by their goings-on and shenanigans - the forger, the glutton, the cheat, the drunkard, the proud, the greedy, the slothful, the unfaithful, the exhibitionist, the sex-mad, the dominatrix, the cougar, the transsexual, the transvestite, the masochist, the homosexual and many more. 
	However also enjoy the more gentle humour of the later lengthier works set both in the UK and Australia which include homage to the Australian love of sport and the beach as well as a sad childhood tale."
Inspired by her former pastor, Robert (Bob) Greene, who closed church services with beautifully prepared prayers, Melissa began to compose her own prayers for a church bible study group. Group members encouraged her to publish them in a book, and she decided to do it. A first time author, Melissa prays that these prayers encourage the reader to strengthen their own prayer life with God.
"<p>Grief can feel so lonely.<br>
You are not alone.<br>
After her father died, Lena Marocco Paulauskas found healing in sharing her story with others walking through loss. Now in a debut collection of poetry, Chasing Time candidly explores the grief journey through the eyes of a woman who understands the pain, the sorrow, and the healing that accompanies loss.<br>
When you lose someone you love,<br>
Your life is changed<br>
Life seems so different.<br>
Even the good memories<br>
Are plagued with sadness,<br>
Knowing you can?t<br>
Make any new memories with them.<br>
Will you walk through grief with me?<br>
I can?t promise Joy.<br>
You won?t find empty platitudes.<br>
You will find:<br>
?Lena?s collection of poetry gives voice to grief in breathtaking ways. She holds space for vulnerable emotion and honest hope and reminds us to live and love well. Chasing Time is a gift?for your own grieving heart, and for those you love.?<br>
?ANGELA DONADIO, Ministry Leader, Author, Host of the Make Life Matter Podcast<br>
?If you?re looking for a sense of purpose or a moment of understanding, Lena?s words will surround you in a much-needed embrace.?<br>
?DANIELLA MASON, Singer, Songwriter</p>"


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